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Origins of the Common Mop

Friday, June 1, 2018

mop origins

WizMop is the latest and best in a long line of advancements in home cleaning. The mop has been around for centuries and was most probably invented by someone whose knees were aching from scrubbing hard stone floors. If you have ever scrubbed a floor without a mop you’ll have an idea what a boon the invention of the mop was!

The mop was first mentioned in English literature in 1496 and was spelled “mappe”. Nearly four centuries later, in 1893, the first patent for a mop was filed by Thomas W. Stewart. Up until then, mops were little more than just rags mounted on handles. Stewart’s revolutionary invention used a springs to draw a clamp shut that wrung out the mop, getting rid of dirty water so it could be dipped in clean water. Mr. Stewart, an African-American inventor, was also responsible for the first automated street warning for trains and street cars, first egg beater, the modern ironing board, and the first bread kneading machine. Stewart’s new mop made mopping so much easier and prevented people from constantly having to lean down to wring out their mop.

The next major advancement in floor care was the sponge mop, patented in 1950 by Peter Vosbikian. It used a flat strip of metal that was squeezed against the sponge mop head to wring excess water from it. This mop saved people (mostly women) from a lot of back strains and pains.

The next big step in floor cleaning came from Scotch Brite in 1999 when their research and development department came up with the cellulose mop. This particular type of cellulose had been in use for decades; it was used for film until the 1930s, it was the original material for cellophane, and was used to prevent cheese products from clogging the inside of a can or tube. It was also the preferred material for building insulation. Now, because it could absorb 17 times its weight in liquid, it became a huge hit in floor care products.

Around the time the cellulose mop was invented, Proctor and Gamble developed the Swiffer WetJet Mop. This remarkable invention allowed a person to use the mop itself to spray cleaning liquid on the floor then mop it up. There was no bending, no wringing, no heavy bucket nor any mixing of cleaner. P & G used the “razor and blades” marketing model for their Swiffer product line; the offered the base product at a low price but roped the consumers into using their costly refill products. The cleaning fluid was in a replaceable bottle but it was tightly sealed and could not be refilled. Until a few third party companies began producing replacements, users also had to buy new cleaning pads at premium prices.

After all these centuries of development we now have the WizMop. It comes with a washable microfiber head that doubles as a dust mop as well as a spray mop. You can use your own material for the mop head if you like since the WizMop is built to be used either way. WizMop also allows you to use your own cleaning formula if you like because the reusable bottle is refillable. You can use your favorite commercial cleaner, plain warm water, or fill it with your own natural, non-toxic cleaners such as white vinegar, water, and essential oils.

The WizMop is the natural evolutionary result of centuries of inspired inventions in floor care. We think you’ll agree that it doesn’t get much better than WizMop when it comes to easy, effective floor care that also affordable and convenient!

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