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Bath and Laundry Know How

Sunday, April 15, 2018

bath cleaning

There are several effective ways to keep your bath and laundry room clean and fresh. We may not think of these rooms as important in our everyday lives but we spend more time in both rooms than we realize. Here are a few tips that will save you time cleaning so you can do more of what you really enjoy.

A Sparkling Bathroom

Used dryer sheets are great tools for cleaning shower doors. Sprinkle one with a little water and use it to wipe away soap residue on shower doors. They are also great in getting rid of soap scum and bathtub rings.

For effortless toilet cleaning, cut off a slice of Magic Eraser and let it float in the toilet overnight. It gets rid of ordinary rings and stains without scrubbing. It’s a great, effortless way to clean your toilet bowl but be sure you don’t flush it after use as it could clog your plumbing.

If your shower head spurts water in all directions or water doesn’t come out of some of holes at all, it is probably clogged by lime deposits. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a plastic bag, tie it around your shower head and leave it there for 20 minutes. It will soak away lime and scale deposits.

If your shower door tracks are filled with gunk just lay paper towels soaked in white vinegar in the tracks and leave them for 30 minutes. Remove the towels and the grime will come right off with a scrub brush or toothbrush. Have some q-tips handy for the corners if you need them. This is a real time saver and you don’t have to use harmful chemicals.

Don’t Forget the Laundry Room

You probably spend a fair amount of time in the laundry room and you’d enjoy that time more if the room was clean and fresh. If your laundry room doesn’t smell good it’s probably because your washer needs to be cleaned. Months or years of washing dirt and grime from clothing will leave deposits in your washer that eventually look and smell pretty bad. Fill your washer with warm or hot water and add 2 cups of white vinegar. Let it sit for an hour then let it proceed through the entire cycle. When it drains you might find some leftover grime that can be easily removed with a sponge and white vinegar. Then fill up the washer once more and add 2 cups of bleach. Let it soak for an hour then run through a complete cycle. Your washer will be sparkling clean and your laundry room will smell great!

Don’t throw away your used dryer sheets because they have a lot of uses after they prevent static cling. I’m sure you’ve noticed how cleaning your lint trap can leave annoying residue on your dryer. Just wipe it away with a used up dryer sheet to leave your dryer dirt and lint free.

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